When seeking employment it would be advantageous if you could satisfy the following criteria as it will allow us to process your application quickly and offer you employment as soon as we possibly can:
Once we have processed your application successfully and you are added to our database, please stay in constant contact with our consultants. Calling your availability on a regular basis demonstrates an eagerness to work and will increase your employment opportunities.
If you have accepted a position and cannot attend for any reason, please contact us before commencement of the employment. Remember we are contactable 24 hours a day on 01698 307400 (Monday to Friday, 08:00 to 17:00) or at all other times on 07802 264 905. Failure to comply with this procedure will result in termination of employment and no further employment offers.
We take pride in paying you the correct amount on the correct date and to do so we require that you assist us by calling the hours you worked the previous week by Monday 12 o'clock. This allows us to cross check your timesheet and process your payment for credit into your nominated account on a Friday.
As a temporary employee you are entitled to 24 days holiday pro-rata which accumulates during the calendar year 1st January to 31st December. Any entitlement accumulated must be claimed during the calendar year in which it was accrued and it cannot be carried forward into subsequent years.
If you require further information on holiday pay, change of bank details or contact address or any other pay related issues please contact us on 01698 307400 and ask to speak to our payroll department
Send us your CV and one of our consultants will be in touch when a suitable position arises.
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